Monday, November 2, 2009

Five things a Dad should do every day . . .

1. HUG your child. Show them with hugs just how much you love them.
2. Tell your child that you LOVE them unconditionally. Explain to them what unconditional love means to you.
3. PRAY with your child. Take time to show them that your relationship with God is the only thing that is more important to you than them or their Mom.
4. PLAY with your child. Spend time with them doing something that they enjoy doing.
5. Let your child see you LOVE on your wife. Show them what a healthy marriage looks like.

Moms, encourage and support your husband to do these things and be the spiritual example and leader that God calls him to be.


  1. There are many single parent families these days. Do you have any suggestions for working moms raising young ones without dad? It can be difficult to give them the examples of a Christian family unit with no male role model. Any suggestions would gladly be heard.

  2. I agree with you - there are more and more single-parent families. And I can only imagine how difficult it is without a male in the home. However, I want to encourage you not to let that deter you from seeking out male role models for your child(ren). Presumably, you worship with a loving church family. If not, find one now! Because there are sure to be Godly men who will be honored to serve Christ by serving your family in that way. My faith is the result of two such men. Immerse this in prayer and God is faithful and will provide. Please know that I will be praying for you and your family.

    As far as what you can do. I feel so unqualified and insignificant to even offer my opinion. But I want to answer the best I can. First of all, the title is to get the attention of, and call men to action. Those first four items are things that you can do as a Mom. I feel strongly that those will go a long way.

    Second, God didn't design you to be a male role model. He purposed for you to be a Mom. So be the best and most Godly mother that you can be. Then put your faith in Him that His love and grace will make up the difference. But I can't encourage you enough to seek out Godly men who could help to bridge that gap.

    God Bless You!
